Sustainability Literacy Task Force

About Us

The Sustainability Literacy Task Force (SLTF) is a committee of faculty and staff with student representation that run enrichment events at 十大彩票网赌平台 on the topics that we’re passionate about, including the environment, sustainability, and climate change.

We’ve collaborated with many groups and individuals over the years and have hosted or co-hosted many events, including the Climate Summits, the Urban Trees Day, the Water Conference, the Renewable Energy Conference, nature walks, book clubs, bee education events, a book reads event where we read an entire book out loud in a day, guest lectures and more! We've assisted with the Hoop House, helped with Empty Bowls, installed Living Walls, and labored to establish the Student Food Forest.


To give students, staff and faculty high-quality, fun, educational events about the environment, sustainability, and climate change.

SLTF Committee Members

Emily Thompson, Ph.D., Chair
Maryam Barrie
Kalthoum Bayz
Meghan Bungo, Ph.D.
Carolyn Crane
Emily Duff, Ph.D.
Smita Malpani
Kelly Milligan
Ernesto Querijero

Student Reps on SLTF

Monica Woodard
KJ Fawn
Karlos Madrigal
Wanda Bush
Tim Porsche

A beautiful spot on campusA beautiful spot on campus.
Photo credit: Emily Thompson
Working in the 十大彩票网赌平台 Student Food ForestWorking in the 十大彩票网赌平台 Student Food Forest
Photo credit: Andreas Hayden



Event Videos

Climate Con, 2022 October 27, 2022
Theme: Solutions and Hope

We are proud to share our videos* sessions for the Solutions and Hope.

Fourth Annual Climate Summit, April 6, 2022
Theme: Food

We are proud to share videos* of our morning and afternoon sessions for the Climate Summit.

What does Food Justice mean to you?
What is required to bring it about?


Third Annual Climate Summit, March 18, 2021
Theme: Environmental Justice

What does environmental justice mean to you?
What is required to bring it about?

Word cloud with participant responses of what environmental justice means to them and what is required to bring it about

Word Clouds courtesy of Smita Malpani

*These videos are protected by copyright and are presented for educational use only.  You may not copy, distribute, make derivative works, publish, repost, or display without previous written permission from SLTF board members or the 十大彩票网赌平台 webmaster. If permission is granted, the recordings or images may only be used for personal use, such as notetaking, and not disseminated. The prior statement includes that posting to social media is prohibited. Failure to abide by these rules may result in further legal action.

SLTF Service Awards

SLTF was proud to present Service Awards to Kim Groce and Dale Petty in April of 2021.

Kim Groce
Kim Groce’s Service Award was presented "For exemplary service to SLTF and Campus Life, with deep appreciation."
Dale Petty
Dale Petty’s Service Award was presented for “For exemplary leadership to SLTF and Sustainability, with deep appreciation.”


十大彩票网赌平台 Living Wall, TI building
十大彩票网赌平台 Living Wall, TI building
Photo credit: Emily Thompson
Kale cookies made with kale grown in the 十大彩票网赌平台 Student Food Forest
Kale cookies made with kale grown in the 十大彩票网赌平台 Student Food Forest.
Photo credit: Emily Thompson
Path in the 十大彩票网赌平台 Pine Woods
Path in the 十大彩票网赌平台 Pine Woods
Photo credit: Emily Thompson

Take Action

What can you do to make a more sustainable, environmentally-just world?


Visit to register to vote. The site can help you:

Start learning!

Vote with your fork!

Among the top ways to draw down greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is to eat less meat and dairy and to avoid wasting food. Check this blog in the future for recipes.

Contact Us

We are proud of our events and we’d love to have you on our team!
Contact [email protected] to join, volunteer, or for more information!

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